Q & A
Every Monday? Every single Monday of 2009, come rain, shine, or Opening Nights?
That's the plan. If I fail, I'll refund your money. Heck, I'll even double your cost of admission.
(While you're thinking about my imminent failure and all the funds you'll reap thereupon, it's not cheating if I read plays ahead of time and stack up posts like theatrical cordwood against a looming tech week.)
So are these reviews? Synopses? What exactly are you writing?
I am writing reactions. I believe blog writing is at best brief and to the point, so I simply won't have the word count for a detailed, balanced review. The blog format fascinates me because I think you start to lose your audience after 300 words. So I certainly won't be wasting those words on Cliffs Notes. We'll see what comes out, but I don't expect you'll be able to crib these for Dramatic Lit 101.
Will these plays offend me?
Possibly. I'm not filtering for content here at all, so there will be situations and language that some may find uncomfortable.
Why should I read the plays you're picking?
No reason at all. I'm just picking a variety of scripts to keep myself energized and entertained. I'm certainly not trying to develop any kind of Great Plays Reading List. (Though I do have one of those, and I'll publish it tomorrow just for reference.)
Where can I find all these plays?
I'm finding that the used copies on Amazon are often a good deal. The shipping is usually $4, but the books themselves can come in pretty cheap. The library's another good bet, and in the interest of fairness I checked the Salt Lake City Public Library Online Catalog and found three of the four plays for January. Even if you can't check books out because you live in the wrong county, plays are quick enough reads that you could curl up in that lovely downtown location and rip through a few on a weekend morning.
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