The Plays For April

Theme? A theme? How about "Mark has a lot of plays he needs to be reading for various reasons, so he's going to read some of them here. Because in aiming at 52 plays this year, he did not actually mean to read 85 plays. Because he sometimes likes to read things that are not plays, and hasn't been able to do much of that so far this year." ... or call it "Spring Cleaning".

Don't bother trying to find a connection between them, other than they are one-acts and they are for a project I'm working on.

April 6: Exception and the Rule by Bertolt Brecht

April 13: Stage Directions by Israel Horowitz

April 20: The Actor’s Nightmare by Christopher Durang

April 27: Aria da Capo by Edna St. Vincent Millay


March 19, 2009 at 8:59 PM Melissa said...

OMG Aria da Capo. I haven't thought about that play in years. Of these four, it's actually the only one I own. I have it in an early 20th c collection of plays I bought in a thrift store for just about nothing. Or . . . at least I think I still have it . . . ::muses::

March 20, 2009 at 9:27 AM Mark Fossen said...

I had never even heard of it until this came up ... nor even knew that Millay wrote plays. So it should be interesting.

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