CLAIRE. You look like a plate of cold stew.

If at some point in the near future, I tell you that you "look like a plate of cold stew" ... well, at least you'll know the reference.
Other than that? While I'm interested in some of his abrupt language shifts, as the characters turn on a dime from heightened Victorian excess to rough tradesman drawl ... there's not much to recommend this play other than that stew line. Is this not just Mamet's misogynistic tendencies writ large? Catfighting sometime-lesbians who steal, lie, corrupt, and destroy while conspiring to dupe innocent maidens and their steadfast fathers? Good lord, I was waiting for the vagina dentata to show up.
As a rule, I avoid looking up reviews of these scripts until I complete the post. It's part of the fun: a risk that I could be publicly and completely off-base, and show myself a fool. I'll be googling momentarily to see if I'm completely backwards on this one. I almost hope I am. I look at cast lists that include such women as Felicity Huffman, Rebecca Pidgeon, and Martha Plimpton and assume there must be something there, because they wouldn't participate in this sexist minstrel show .... right?
... Right?
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