So, in honor of my natal month I am going to have a party. It's a party where plays I'm interested in but haven't met yet come by, have a piece of cake, and let me read them.
(That metaphor fell apart right quick, didn't it?)
May 4: Three Days of Rain by Richard Greenberg
A friend is directing this. A friend with whom I would dearly love to work, so let's see what is in there.
May 11: The Changeling by Middleton and Rowley
My oldest girl asked what a changeling was a while ago, just around when my wife and I went to our youngest's first grade class to talk about Ireland ... where girl asked about changelings. The good folk at Impact did an adaptation of the play just months before a Chicago friend was involved in a production. Universe ... I get the message.
May 18: The Last Days of Judas Iscariot by Stephen Adly Guirgis
What you don't know about me? One real interest of mine is Early Christian History: the Historical Jesus, the writing of the Gospels, the early Church, etc. It's endlessly fascinating stuff, and no figure more fascinates me than Judas ... both historically and theologically. So this promises to be a treat.
May 25: The Brothers Size by Tarell Alvin McCraney
Because I want to read Tarell Alvin McCraney. 'Nuff said. (And because I bought this last year, and found a copy for nowhere near the obscene price Amazon is asking now.)
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